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Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies
ISSN : 0126012X     EISSN : 2338557X     DOI : 10.14421
Al-Jamiah invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in the areas related to Islam, Muslim society, and other religions which covers textual and fieldwork investigation with various perspectives of law, philosophy, mysticism, history, art, theology, sociology, anthropology, political science and others.
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The Implementation of Temporary Endowment in Kuwait Ab Rahman, Muhamad Firdaus; Amanullah, Muhammad
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.542.477-503


Temporary waqf is a restricted endowment for a specific duration. This paper examines Kuwait Law of Waqf and the contemporary implementation of temporary waqf in Kuwait. The research shows that Kuwait law of waqf allowed the application of all types of waqf as temporary, the duration of waqf should not exceed sixty years and no more than two layers of generations. This paper proposes to encourage other Islamic countries to implement this concept of temporary waqf as an alternative benefit.[Konsep wakaf sementara adalah wakaf yang dibatasi masa berlakunya selama periode waktu tertentu. Makalah ini mendiskusikan Undang-Undang Wakaf Kuwait dan implementasi wakaf sementara di Kuwait. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perundang-undangan di Kuwait membolehkan penerapan wakaf sementara ini dalam semua jenis wakaf, dengan batasan tidak boleh melebihi 60 tahun dan melewati dua generasi. negara-negara Islam lainnya disarankan dapat menerapkan konsep wakaf sementara ini sebagai alternatif perluasan manfaat wakaf.]
Expanding the Indonesian Tarbiyah Movement through Ta‘āruf and Marriage Asyari, Suaidi; Abid, M. Husnul
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.542.337-368


This paper will shed light into the most current phenomena of how Islamist groups create and expand their influence and membership. In view of the Islamists like the Indonesian Tarbiyah movement, Islamisation of society and the state is the ultimate goal to be achieved. Families become the most important means of Islamisation. If all families have been successfully made “Islamic”, people and the country will follow suit. Preparing the family as the basis of making up society and the establishment of an Islamic state is, therefore, urgent. One of the ways is to match young men and women to get married through taʻāruf or “Islamic introduction”, which goes against the very popular trend of dating among youths nowadays. In addition to be practiced within Tarbiyah members, marriage is also promoted to the larger public. This group of Islamists use most contemporary modern media to expand their influence. By doing so, this kind of movement will have a tremendous and strong socio-political implication in the long run of Indonesian politics.[Tulisan ini mengkaji fenomena kontemporer tentang bagaimana sebuah kelompok (Gerakan Tarbiyah) membentuk dan meluaskan pengaruh serta keanggotaannya. Kelompok Islam tersebut melihat bahwa Islamisasi masyarakat dan Negara merupakan tujuan utama yang harus dicapai termasuk yang terpenting adalah keluarga. Mereka menganggap bahwa jika unit keluarga sudah menjadi ‘Islam’ maka masyarakat dan Negara secara otomatis akan mengikutinya. Oleh karena itu keluarga perlu disiapkan sebagai pondasi menuju masyarakat dan Negara yang Islamis. Salah satu cara paling awal adalah dengan memperkenalkan konsep Taʻāruf bagi muda mudi yang ingin menikah, sekaligus sebagai tandingan terhadap konsep ‘pacaran’ yang saat ini populer. Untuk mempromosikan konsep tersebut ke khalayak yang lebih luas, mereka pun menggunakan media yang paling modern dan masif. Sehingga gerakan mereka tampak kuat implikasinya dalam peta perpolitikan di Indonesia. ]  
The Historiography of Islamic Law: The Case of Tārīkh al-Tashrī‘ Literature Maftuhin, Arif
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.542.369-391


Tārīkh al-Tashrī‘ (the history of sharia affairs) is a relatively new genre of Islamic historiography and very popular among students of Islamic Law. Despite its popularity, academics of Islamic historiography seem not interested in studying it. There is hardly any academic paper seriously studied the literature. This paper is a first effort to explore the Tārīkhu’t-tashrī‘ literature through a historiographical analysis. As an initial exploration, it argues that Tārīkh al-Tashrī‘ is the latest development of Islamic historiography, developed in the 19th century, but it is a genre of the old Islamic historiography with some new elements. The new elements are influenced by both modern Western historiography and the need to re-open the supposedly closed gate of ijtihād. The paper studied books of Tārīkh al-Tashrī‘ available during the research between 2013-2015. [Tārīkh al-Tashrī‘ adalah genre yang relatif ‘baru’ dalam matarantai perkembangan historiografi Islam­. Literatur ini sangat popular dan menjadi mata kuliah wajib di fakultas-fakultas Syariah di Indonesia maupun Timur Tengah. Hanya saja, meskipun ia sangat populer sebagai mata pelajaran, Tārīkh al-Tashrī‘ belum banyak menarik minat para peneliti historiografi. Makalah in berusaha mengeksplorasi literatur Tārīkh al-Tashrī‘ dengan pendekatan historiografi. Makalah ini berpendapat bahwa Tārīkh al-Tashrī‘, meski terlihat ‘modern’ dari segi kelahirannya, tidak banyak berbeda dengan literatur historiografi klasik. Perbedaan terjadi karena adanya pengaruh historiografi Barat dalam model penulisannya dan karena kebutuhan untuk membuka kembali pintu ijtihad yang tertutup. Kajian dilakukan terhadap kitab-kitab Tārīkh al-Tashrī‘ yang dapat ditemukan selama riset antara 2013-2015 ]
Islamisation as Legal Intolerance: The Case of GARIS in Cianjur, West Java Lukito, Ratno
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.542.393-425


In its endeavour, Islamization projects done by some Muslim organisations in Indonesia can lead to certain treats of intolerance, especially to those rejecting the missions wrought about in the movements. Using qualitative approach, this paper tries to analyse the legal Islamization programs undertaken by Gerakan Reformis Islam (GARIS) in Cianjur, West Java, since their inception in early 2001 and its inclination to various intolerant attitudes towards others. The movement of Islamization is probed on the basis of the three main GARIS projects, namely, reviewing the draft of Indonesian penal law, engaging contra-Christianization movements and the struggle against Ahmadiyah. Describing the movement, one will see how the idea of legal Islamization is carefully and persistently moulded in the field to make it so fluid and adequate to accomplish a purpose. What seems appearing in this phenomenon is not a theoretical legal quandary but more a political one, as legal Islamization is in its practice more sensed as a political movement than that of law.[Dalam praktiknya, gerakan Islamisasi yang dilakukan oleh beberapa organisasi Islam di Indonesia dapat memunculkan tindakan intoleransi, utamanya hal itu menimpa mereka yang menolak gerakan tersebut. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, paper ini berusaha untuk menganalisis program-program Islamisasi hukum yang dilakukan oleh Gerakan Reformis Islam (GARIS) di Cianjur, Jawa Barat sejak mula berdirinya organisasi ini di awal 2001 dan kecenderungannya kepada perilaku intoleransi kepada kelompok lain. Gerakan Islamisasi dari GARIS ini dikaji berdasarkan pada tiga program mereka yang paling utama yaitu: usulan perbaikan terhadap draf amandemen hukum pidana Indonesia, gerakan perlawanan terhadap kristenisasi, dan perlawanan terhadap kelompok Ahmadiyah. Melalui kajian yang mendalam terhadap organisasi ini, kita dapat melihat bagaimana program Islamisasi hukum tersebut dilakukan dengan kesungguhan di lapangan sehingga dapat meraih hasil sesuai dengan yang dicanangkan. Apa yang dapat kita lihat dari fenomena ini sejatinya bukanlah pergumulan teori hukum namun lebih sebagai perhelatan politik, karena pada praktiknya gerakan Islamisasi hukum itu lebih menonjol sisi gerakan politiknya ketimbang hukumnya.]
Innovation versus Replication: Some Notes on the Approaches in Defining Shariah Compliance in Islamic Finance Laldin, Mohamad Akram; Furqani, Hafas
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.542.249-272


Shariah contains the principles and foundations upon which financial system from an Islamic perspective is established and acts as guidance and framework on which the direction of the industry is set. This would include the whole processes from product conceptual inception of developing shariah product compliance manual, developing product structure, reviewing the legal documentation, and producing report or opinion on the product application in the market. Islamic finance is expected to offer something new to the market instead of a mere replication and modification of conventional practices in Islamic forms. The paper attempts to survey the approach in developing Islamic finance, including the debate on replication and innovation in a product to the structure as well as the gaps between ideals and practices.  [Keuangan Islam dikembangkan berdasarkan atas semangat, filosofi dan prinsip-prinsip hukum Islam sebagaimana terangkum dalam ekonomi shariah. Makalah ini berusaha mengamati berbagai pendekatan dalam mengembangkan keuangan Islam, perdebatan mengenai replikasi ekonomi konvensional, dan inovasi dalam produk hingga struktur maupun kesenjangan antara yang ideal dengan kenyataannya. ]
Polygamous Marriages in Indonesia and Their Impacts on Women’s Access to Income and Property Nurmila, Nina
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.542.427-446


Most studies on polygamy mainly focus on the male normative interpretation of the Quran. This paper, however, will focus on the practices of polygamy. It will mainly explore whether the practices of polygamy are legal or illegal (unregistered for not following the procedure and requirements stated in the 1974 Marriage Law). This paper argues that most polygamous marriages in Indonesia are illegal. This practice can be considered a form of resistance to the Law which requires a husband to ask the permission from the Religious Court before entering polygamous marriages. This paper will also elaborate various living arrangements of legal and illegal polygamous marriages with various consequences on maintenance and property ownership among wives. [Kebanyakan studi tentang poligami berfokus pada interpretasi laki-laki terhadap al-Quran yang bersifat normatif. Akan tetapi, artikel ini akan berfokus pada praktik poligami. Artikel ini terutama akan menerangkan apakah praktik poligami itu legal atau tidak legal (tidak dicatatkan karena tidak mengikuti aturan yang ditetapkan dalam Undang-Undang Perkawinan/UUP 1974). Artikel ini berargumen bahwa kebanyakan perkawinan poligami itu dipraktikan secara illegal. Praktik ini merupakan bentuk dari penentangan terhadap UUP yang mengharuskan seorang suami memohon izin terlebih dahulu kepada Pengadilan Agama sebelum berpoligami. Makalah ini juga akan menjelaskan berbagai pengaturan hidup dalam perkawinan poligami baik yang legal ataupun yang tidak legal dengan berbagai konsekuensinya terhadap nafkah dan kepemilikan harta di antara para istri.]
Ampa Co’i Ndai: Local Understanding of Kafā’a in Marriage among Eastern Indonesian Muslims Wardatun, Atun
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.542.311-336


This article draws on an ethnographic research that focuses on the cultural practice of female-paid matrimonial funding, ampa co’i ndai (ACN), among semi-urban Bimanese Muslims of Eastern Indonesia. The practice takes place when the bride, with the help of her parents and female relatives, pays her marriage payment (co’i, including mahr). It is used only when the prospective groom is a government employee, for it is assumed as a social status raiser. During the declaration of marriage, the payment is announced to have come from the groom. This article uses the practice as a site to examine the particularity of practising Islamic laws in everyday life of eastern Indonesian Muslims. The narratives of nineteen Muslim women who have been involved in ACN reveal what its functions as an equalising mechanism, through which gendered power-relations is minimised while perpetuating traditional position of wives and husbands as a complementary couple within their family as well as before society. I argue that  ACN has been seen as a modified understanding of kafā’a in fiqh which means “equality” to “complementarity.” However, this local understanding of kafā’a is a testament to the complexities of gender power relations.[Artikel ini adalah penelitian etnografi tentang praktik AMPA co’i ndai (ACN) di kalangan masyarakat semi-urban muslim Bima di kawasan timur Indonesia. Budaya ini dilaksanakan dengan cara pengantin perempuan, dengan bantuan orang tua dan saudara perempuannya, menyediakan biaya pernikahan (co’i dan mahar). Tradisi ini dipraktikkan hanya ketika calon pengantin pria adalah pegawai negeri, yang diasumsikan memiliki status sosial yang lebih. Namun, saat resepsi pernikahan, deiumumkan bahwa biaya-biaya berasal dari pengantin pria. Narasi kehidupan dari sembilan belas perempuan yang terlibat mengungkapkan fungsi ACN sebagai mekanisme penyetaraan gender dengan meminimalkan relasi kuasa serta nmendudukkan pasangan untuk saling melengkapi dalam keluarga maupun masyarakat. Praktik ACN dapat dilihat sebagai bentuk lokal pemahaman konsep kafā’a, yang berarti “kesetaraan” untuk “melengkapi”. Namun, pemahaman lokal kafā’a ini merupakan bukti kompleksitas relasi kuasa dalam masalah gender.]
Islam is Never Monolithic
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Before the Ethical Policy: The Ottoman State, Pan-Islamism, and Modernisation in Indonesia, 1898–1901 Supratman, Frial Ramadhan
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.542.447-475


By drawing on Ottoman-Turkish documents in the Prime Minister’s Ottoman Archives, this paper investigates the role of the Ottoman state and Pan-Islamic ideology on modernisation in Indonesia. The article revisits the process defining the Ethical Policy (Politik Etis) as the turning point of the emergence of modernisation in Indonesia.  In existing scholarship, the ‘Ethical Policy’ became the grand narrative in Indonesian history, meanwhile the influence of Pan-Islamism is only seen as the unsuccessful political propaganda of Abdulhamid II on the anti-colonialism movement in Indonesia. Many Indonesian and Ottoman historians view Pan-Islamism in the context of anti-colonialism fighting against the Dutch militarily in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This article proposes an alternative view to this narrative which acknowledges Pan-Islamism as a modernisation step for Indonesians which was signed by the Jawi students arrival in Istanbul and shows the Hadhrami community as the agent of modernisation. In short, the article shows the Ottoman influence on the emergence of the Ethical Policy of 1901 in Indonesia.[Menggunakan dokumen-dokumen Turki Utsmani yang disimpan di Prime Minister’s Ottoman Archives, makalah ini meneliti peran imperium Utsmani dan ideologi Pan-Islam  dalam modernisasi Indonesia. Hal itu dilakukan dengan meninjau kembali proses mendefinisikan Politik Etis sebagai titik balik lahirnya modernisasi Indonesia. Dalam literatur yang ada sekarang, Politik Etis menjadi cerita utama dalam sejarah Indonesia, sementara Pan-Islamisme hanya dipandang sebagai propaganda gagal dari Abdulhamid II bagi gerakan anti kolonial di Indonesia. Kebanyakan sejarawan di Indonesia dan Turki dalam konteks perjuangan melawan penjajah Belanda. Artikel ini menawarkan narasi alternatif yang  mengakui Pan-Islamisme sebagai salah satu tahapan penting modernisasi Indonesia yang ditandai dengan datangnya para mahasiswa Jawa di Istambul dan menunjukkan peran komunitas Hadhrami sebagai agen modernisasi.]
Islamic Party and Pluralism: The View and Attitude of Masyumi towards Pluralism in Politics (1945-1960) Noor, Firman
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.542.273-310


This article discusses Masyumi’s response towards pluralism, particularly about the political diversity in the first fifteen years of Indonesia independent era. As the largest Islamic party in Indonesian history, Masyumi was well known by many as the champion of democracy and one of the essential elements in the nationalist movement. However, regarding pluralism, for some, Masyumi positive attitude on this matter has been doubtful, regarding this party as the guru of intolerance for some contemporary Islamic organisations. By exploring the ideals and practical aspects of this party, this article wants to show the nature of Masyumi’s view and attitude in answering political diversity that in the long run indicates the real position of this party in pluralism in politics. The discussion indicates that despite some weaknesses in undergoing the spirit of honouring diversity, in particular when dealing with the communists, Masyumi, in general, had proven its position as one of the essential elements in Indonesian political history that in many ways eager to develop and maintain the spirit of pluralism.[Tulisan ini mendiskusikan perihal respons Masyumi terhadap pluralisme, khususnya terkait dengan politik keragaman dalam rentang limabelas tahun setelah Indonesia merdeka. Sebagai partai Islam terbesar dalam sejarah Indonesia, Masyumi dikenal luas sebagai terdepan dalam praktik demokrasi dan pemain penting dalam gerakan nasionalisme. Meskipun demikian, bagi sebagian orang, respons positif Masyumi terhadap isu pluralisme tetap diragukan mengingat partai ini dianggap sebagai model intoleransi bagi organisasi Islam dewasa ini. Tulisan ini ingin menunjukkan bahwa pandangan dan sikap Masyumi dalam menjawab keragaman politik mengindikasikan posisinya yang jelas dalam pluralisme politik. Walaupun ada dukungan lemah terhadap semangat keragaman, khususnya terkait dengan kelompok komunis, secara umum Masyumi membuktikan dirinya sebagai elemen penting dalam sejarah politik Indonesia dengan berbagai cara dalam membangun dan mempertahankan semangat pluralisme. ]

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